Spiritual Wedding Ceremony on a Beautiful Summer Day

Diana and Aaron met each other the very first time after Diana had just finished the Messina Hoff half marathon and ran in the roses. But when an insightful mutual friend – who happened to be Aaron’s best friend’s mother – reacquainted them at church, the first sign of real love and connection began to appear. They are both big baseball fans and their friendship began to grow as they would see each other at little league games, watching their mutual friend’s grandson play. It didn’t take long till they went on their first date. When Aaron was apart from Diana he noticed over time that life wasn’t as full as he once thought, and he genuinely missed her. He started thinking about her more and more and the quality of her sense of humor, wit, creativity, and spark for life showed him what he never knew he needed. Diana’s admiration and respect for Aaron flourished she saw him lead worship at church and serve in music ministry. They both knew they that this was love and in March they were engaged. Diana and Aaron said, “I do!” in a romantically spiritual wedding ceremony on a gorgeous summer day.


Open House for Stonehem Hall, Our Newest Wedding & Event Venue


Sarah & Brian - May 27, 2017